


锐速/BBR/魔改BBR/KCPTUN加速效果对比测试-服务器教程 ...:2021-12-29 · VPS网络服务器主流产品加速计划方案 现阶段较为时兴的互联网加速计划方案有下列几类: 锐速 优势: 仅需在服务端安裝,不用手机客户端,TCP加速效果显著,能够对平台网站、其他总流量开展加速。 不够: 不兼容OpenVZ构架的安装系统;不兼容一部分系统软件核心安裝。

The measures will take effect between 7 April to 4 May (inclusive) 2023.



CentOS安装锐速serverspeeder教程_RedHat/Centos_操作 ...:2021-4-2 · 随着互联网的骨干出口不断拥堵,在下午和晚上期间丢包严重。为此Serverspeeder 官方开发了基于“ZetaTCP 专利技术”的锐速。锐速是一款内嵌 ZetaTCP 加速引擎的加速软件,可伍安装运行在所有主流 Linux 版本和 Windows 操作系统版本的服务器 ...

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MCI Workplan Seminar 2023

"Our Digital Singapore": Ensuring inclusive growth as Singapore transforms digitally

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Digital Media and Information Literacy Framework

Ensuring that every Singaporean is ready to benefit from Singapore’s digital transformation

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收藏一-技术好学屋:2021-4-23 · 热门文章 密码保护:收藏二 2021-04-23 评论(8) CentOS6/7 专用破解版锐速一键安装脚本 2021-03-10 评论(3) Linux VPS锐速破解版一键安装脚本 2021-05-04 评论(2) 如何判断两个IP地址是否在同一个网段?什么是子网掩码?

Translation is more than just finding the right words in one language and rendering it to another; it also needs to carry the ideas behind them.

SMETowKay - Serving up a dose of productivity

#SMETowKay - Serving up a dose of productivity

Local food company Ha Li Fa improved the efficiency of its supply chain after adopting a digital integration solution.


Digital Defence

Digital Defence is one of the six pillars of Total Defence, to guard against threats from the digital domain.


Meet the Storyteller

Multi award-winning TV scriptwriter Ang Eng Tee shares how he creates drama serials that grip the audience’s hearts and imaginations, and talks about the mega remake of one of his classic Channel 8 dramas.


CentOS 7 开启 BBR 加速 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-3-2 · Google 在 2021年9月伇开源了他伊的优化网络拥堵算法BBR,最新版本的 Linux内核(4.9-rc8)中已经集成了该算法。 对于TCP单边加速,并非所有人都很熟悉,不过有另外一个大名鼎鼎的商业软件“锐速”,相信很多人都清楚。

These tech-savvy volunteers from Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc. are teaching seniors how to use e-payments. Find out what motivated them to step up as digital advocates for the elderly.

Never Too Young to Give Back -3


Three youth volunteers from Youth Corp Singapore share what motivates them to help seniors be digitally ready.


Digital Readiness Blueprint

Let's build a Digital Society together.

Latest News and Articles

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GitHub - 91yun/serverspeeder: 锐速破解版:2021-6-15 · 锐速破解版. Contribute to 91yun/serverspeeder development by creating an account on GitHub. Dismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.
Infocomm Media
Singapore Statement by Mr S Iswaran, Minister for Communications and Information, at the G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, on 22 July 2023
Business Sentiment Poll 2023 Q2
Poll on Budget Measures 2023
Infocomm Media
Singapore strengthens digital collaboration and linkages with Shenzhen to create new market opportunities
Infocomm Media
New Chief Executive appointed to Infocomm Media Development Authority
科学上外网 ssr
Responses received from Public Consultation on draft Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 2023, including related amendments to the Spam Control Act
MCI response to PQ on Parliament livestream
Infocomm Media
MCI's response to PQ on national data usage volume
Digital Readiness
MCI's response to PQ on available help for seniors for digital access
Digital Readiness
bandwagonhost搬瓦工VPS:介绍+优惠码+测评+新手使用 ...:2021-1-5 · bandwagonhost,在国内俗称“搬瓦工”,隶属于加拿大IT7(成立于2021年)公司旗下的品牌,与vpsblast和xvmlabs同属兄弟品牌。 bandwagonhost(“搬瓦工”)主要运作VPS业务,采用OpenVZ+KVM两种虚拟方式,纯SSD(raid10),1Gbps带宽,有 ...
Transcript of Ministerial Statement by Mr S Iswaran, Minister for Communications and Information, at the Fortitude Budget Debate on 4 June 2023
Infocomm Media
New SG Digital Office established to drive digitalisation movement
Infocomm Media
“National Times Singapore” Facebook page made a Declared Online Location under POFMA
Digital Readiness
Transcript of Minister for Communications and Information S Iswaran’s Response to Adjournment Motion on “Closing the Digital Divide for SGUnited: Learnings from COVID-19” by Nominated Member of Parliament Ms Anthea Ong

Our Agencies

Cyber Security Agency of Singapore


centos 7安装BBR – 悠然居:2021-3-14 · 伍前一直锐速,对服务器上行质量提升显著,但毕竟是个第三方商业公司的产品,而且一般人只会用破解版,安全性无法保证。正好前段时间出来了一个TCP拥堵控制模块,进入了4.9内核,很多人用下来感觉性能直逼锐速,关键是对内存要求低,基本上只要是kvm的vps就行,不像锐速在256M内存 …

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National Library Board


Personal Data Protection Commission
